Tuesday, December 30, 2008

wedding n climbing

k-rel n yana

congratulation to the newly (new ke ek? rasenye da nak dekat sebln da..haha) wed my cousin k-rel and yana...hope they live happily ever after and dimurahkan rezeki...best gla dpt kawen kat oversea...tp xbestnye kterang xdpt dtg,sume pon ade hal yg perlu disettlekan...nnt kterang jenguk la kayh kalo ade duit lebey and mase terluang..ahahah...

climbing with adeliza n mamai...

b4 mkn liza muke ceria glaa...sbb aku yg blanje..haha..

wahh sudah abis...byk gla die mkn..ahahah...

org suruh buat muke kekenyangan die plk buat muke sedih..gilos..!!

mamai yg control cun...

adeliza yg nak terbang...

ya ryte..aku plpk control perot and tayang bontot..ahaha...

berjalan2 mengelilingi dinding2 yg colourful itew..

bertenggek dibatu2.. mcm monkey..

kami sedang mengimbangi badan...

mamai nihh..org soh close up die nak jauh2 plk...haihhh...blm bertauliah lg nih..ahahaha..

gamba mamai tadak disini...kami berdue je ade...jd letak mne yg ade je la ek..ahah..

kami the climbers...ahaaa...!! sgt poyo kan.. :p

jalan2 dgn ieda

kua bersama ieda and korek rahsia2nya...haha...wait n see... :)

climbing with sis n cousins
-will update soon-

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


let's talk about filtering capacitor..do u know why capacitor always surrounded by ic..?? because it's helps out to smooth out the ripple.

Capacitors act like water tanks. When your circuit pulls a bunch of water out of the system, the capacitor helps hold the voltage up temporarily until the power system can catch up.

For example: you may live in a city with water and water pressure. If you take a shower you affect the pressure in the municipal water system ever so slightly. If everyone turned on their shower and flushed every toilet in the city, odds are the water pressure would fluctuate quite a bit! A big water tank helps minimize these pressure fluctuations. A big cap helps minimize the voltage fluctuations on your breadboard.

Monday, December 15, 2008


too lazy to update...and see what i found in my room...jeng jeng jeng...!!!

it's a BEE...!!!!!

and i da hantar die ke kubur die at my "tong-sam-pah"...haha..!! ok,lawak basi..i knoeee...lately saye suke makan nasi lemak setiap hari weekdays pagi2...tatau knape tp tah tetibe buang tebiat dah 2 weeks dah plak tuh...makin naik la beratku yg berat inih...dah la..tu je...


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

letto - ruang rindu

Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut
Terbawa sungai ke ujung mata
Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
Menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada

Jalanku hampa dan kusentuh dia
Terasa hangat oh didalam hati
Kupegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu
Tak urung jua kulihatnya pergi

Tak pernah kuragu dan slalu kuingat
Kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat
Ku saat itu takut mencari makna
Tumbuhkan rasa yg sesakkan dada

Chorus 2x:
Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
Semua kutrima apa adanya
Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam
Di ruang rindu kita bertemu


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

?? day

bz sungguh...smpi dah tak terkire la hari kebrape dah...

last week:-

monday - xg keje..!! haha

tuesday - half day..!!! wah sungguh heaven..

wednesday - kerja byk xabis2 lg...gile bole nak mati okeyh...

thursday - counting bile nak abis intern dr pg smpi ptg..

friday - officemate g pasang lagu org nak mati sehari suntuk...mcm nak gila dibuatnye...and after off g climbing lagi...still have 9 passes to complete my climbing..haha..haritu da archieve level 2...actually, i give my level according to my body yg berat inih..haha...for me ade la 5 level...so,saye br ke-2...saye tau saye berat...so what..drp korang tuh xg senam lansung..wah emo sorang2..haha..

saturday - bole plak die g pilih kete drp akuh yg cun n mantap habis nih...bungek btol...jd saye pon nak attention sorang tp xdilayan...bencih tawuu...

sunday - tdo rumah aunty marina...

this week:-

monday - raya haji...mkn bole tahan banyak lah...and payung cumeylku tertinggal dirumah aunty marina...so,esk kne bli payung baru...(ya i knoe alasan...haha)

tuesday - mkn roti je sbb smlm da mkn byk sgt...haha!! plus kerjaku semakin merumitkan sbb nak kne rapat2kan component sume but saye sudah agak terer tp xterer sgt lg...tp nnt sure akan terer..haha..and went to curve and bli payung baru...haha...ok.saye sayang pule nak gune sbb terase membazir bli mahal2 n jename...tp kene air gak..haha..bole tak mcm tu...(btw,saye sgt jaga barang2 saye...smpikan byklah baju2 yg sayang2 tuh xgune at last xdpt pki sbb saye da semakin membulat sgn cemerlang...haha...and buku2 yg cantik2 tuh still disimpan smpi skrg tah buat pekasam ke ape..sbb cantek sgt..sayang nak gune...bole tak cam 2..haha)

wednesday - esk br wednesday...so belom esk lg so,taktau lg ape yg terjadi tunggu je lah ye...hehe..

ok...lately cepat bosan and tatau nak buat ape...a months from now br buat btol2nye job hunting tuk lepas pratical nih...btw,ade sesape nye off ade tmpt kosong...i learnt engineering majoring in telecommunication...and will be available start from early march...actually february pon bole tp saye nak coti goyang bontot dirumah...haha...lapo la plk...erkkk....toodles..!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


"feel sexy and look sexy" that's what i bought during the FJ benjamin warehse sale kat parkroyal hotel smlm...gamba2 nye mmg tableyh dipublish la kan i suppose...haha...tu je nak bgtau...

Friday, November 28, 2008

29th day

wah..da friday...sungguh best..
harini kne jd secretary tak tentu pasal..padahal kerja die..aku plk jd mangse...die plk goyang bontot..haihzz...!!! tensi2 nih...

and i need to build my own sentences which i don't even know what project they are doing past years...darnn..!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

25th, 26th ,27th and 28th day

the day b4 yesterday i saw an accident...motorcycle and a car..and mamat yg bwk moto terbaring kat jln berdarah2 kepale die...ikotkan hati mmg tanak tgk sbb saye ni xsuke bende2 ngeri sket...menakotkan okeyh...then ternampk cam kesian gla kat die...tp nak wat cemane...ambulans pon 5 sec away from him time tuh..hopefully he'll fine...

yesterday i breakfast with McD...hehe..tetibe teringin McD plk smlm...kekenyangan smpi xlunch lah smlm...and all my bosses went to perlis for their mardi project...and only 4 ppl left here...i watch oth one full episode non-stop..haha...usually tgk sparuh je time lunch then esk sambung..bole plk gitu..

today when otw to off this morning, i saw an accident lg..motor lg...wahhh..sgt takot ok...berdarah gak...but still terlentang kat jln raje tuh...at the 2nd lane plk tuh...mesti kete nak g next lane then moto tuh laju then xprasan...

so, in a nut shell...i won't let my children buy or even bawak motor later to go to their off or tmpt jauh2 lah...unless pegi dekat2 ngan rumah je...aku lg snggup bg kete kancil buruk drp nmpk ahli keluarga accident bile naik motor...or they can use public transport...within 20 years from now our public transport should be superb and everyone can use it even org kaya yg pki kasot emas pon bole naik....harap2lah kan..hehe...

ok.saya lapa.tp br kol 10.mcm nak g bli roti canai..tp mcm melampau plk mkn kat off kan..haha..aku tau aku ni over...tp lantakkan...minum milo dlu la ye perot...off to go now.daa..!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAFIQ..!!! smoge cpt kawen...sbb aku da xsaba da nak kawen nih..hahaha..tgh tunggu hang la ni lmbt sgt kawen...hahahaha....

and ahad ni i'm going to FJ benjamin warehse ngan mamai...sape2 nak join sekaki marilahh...sbb saye dah lame xabiskan duit dgn gembire yg xigt dunie nih...haha...ok.nak tdo..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

23th and 24th day

dah type pjg hilang plk...tension nih...


mari tgk aksi2 climbing saye..haha...

ni plk aksi mamai...

ni plk aksi adeliza yg kunon2 nak lawan ngan org2 pro seblah die..haha...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

20th , 21th and 22th day

i've been bz lately plus malas nak update blog...smlm ngantok gla g bantai tdo kat off sejam lepas solat zuhur..haha..bleyh plk terlajak smpi sejam...memule nak 30min je..tgk2 da kol 3..thanks to lorry yg tgh buat construction jln raya dpn my off ni...so mlm tuh i tends to sleep at 9.30pm...so,bgn terlebey awal plk...cume grak from umah lmbt sket...around 840am..haha...slalu x jam..tetibe harini byk plk kete...tik tok tik tok smpi2 off kol 940am..haaa!! amik ko.. :p tu la...grak lmbt lg...tp seb baik ade org lg lmbt dr saye...huhu...and tdi ade drama kat off slame 2sec..nak tau dramanye ape, bia kterang je la yg tau...tak elok besarkan2 cite bende xbrape nak best nih..haha...mesti krg tertunggu2 nak tgk hasil my mookiee tu kan..ahahah..nahh..tgk le nih...


after (sorie lerr...terover letak cocoa la beb...next time letak choc chip je..cocoa letak cenonet je okeyh..haha..)

sebnanye ade byk lg nak tulis nih..tp da kol 11:36pm...i gtg now kalo tak esk nnt aku p bantai tdo lg plk kat off tuh..haha...time to go peeps..!! daa..!!

p/s: i'll update bout' dinner at jagoya and climbing later okeyhh...
p/s: geram btol buat kiCad nih...nak susun tuh yg fenin tuh...harap2 lah esk dpt ilham cara susun so that complete even double layer...aminn...

Friday, November 14, 2008

18th and 19th day.... my mookiee

pejam celik pejam celik..tetibe da hari jumaat da.yeay esok cutiii..!!! wwooohooo..kejap la plk..haha...yesterday i slept around 1 something...nak tau what i did?? take a look at the picture and mari teka sapa yg kenaa...hehe..

and what happen to that thingy i forgot to snap the pic of it...anyway, it turn out sedap gilah okeyh and crunchy okeyh( macam ala2 famous amos tuh..haha.. )...jgn jeles okeyhh..!! brape byk okeyh daa..smlm testing2 je...and baked 4 dulang je...still byk lg yg tinggal..and harini i'll cont to experiment my cookiee...kalo korang nak order pon bole ajee..since i don't have any other activities and side income..haha...the price for the cookiee x calculate lg...next post maybe i'll post up the finalize of it kayh...i'll name it mookiee okeyh... mim + cookiee = mookiee...wah sungguh comeyless..ahahaha... :p ( ok nak prasan kejap...hohoho.. )

the day before yesterday i got my 1st pay cheque... yahooooo...!!! even x seberape...still duit gak kan...and now waiting for my next payment plk...bila lah nak masok nih..haha...

need to disclose the amount...if not sumerang soh blanje...haihh..tu yg masalah tu...dpt pon secipot je..aku bli suar jeans levis yg latest design pon xlepas okeyh..jd korang pk2 la sendrik the amount yee..haha...

nnt kalo ade mase saye hapdet lg ya kawan2...chow cin choww..!!


Free Song Lyrics | Fall For You lyrics

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

16th day


sungguh cantik no inih ya...
check it out my daily schedule during my industrial training from 20/10/08 - 31/1/09 :

6.30 - solat.
7.00 - take my daily bath.
8.00 - panaskan engine kete.
8.15 - go to office.
8.50 - arrive at office.
9.00 - check mail, newspaper, gossip etc..
9.10 - start my work.
10.30 - mengantok and start blogging and blog hopping.
11.00 - cont. my work.

12.30 - buy lunch downstairs
12.40 - eat my lunch while watching any tv series
1.00 - even thought already finish ate still cont. watch tv series.
1.30 - ended watch movie series.
1.35 - cont. any of my work + chatting and blog hoppping.
3.00 - solat.
3.30 - cont. back my work + chatting and blog hoppping.
5.00 - solat.
5.25 - start packing to go back.
5.29 - chow from office.
6.30 - arrive home.
7.00 - dinner.
7.30 - solat.
8.00 - guling2 atas katil, tgk tv, bace 'men are from mars women are from venus'
9.00 - solat.
10.00 - sleep and wake up the next morning.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

dear masalah...

lately nih ade je masalah...tah ape masalah tah tatau r..tp mmg byk la masalah yg dtg..bertubi2..malas nak layan masalah tu pon ade..menyampah ngan masalah tu pon ade...so masalah,pleaseee lah undur diri ye...aku da penat n bosan dgn masalah2 mcm nih...

p/s: moody all the week...!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

12th and 13th day

everything goes wrong
yesterday, i can't sleep
at last, shut my eyes at 4am
now, i'm sleepy
plus confuse and moody
lets hope and pray that 'the feeling' go away from my mind...



If I am lost for a day; try to find me
But if I don't come back, then I won't look behind me
All of the things that I thought were so easy
Just got harder and harder each day
December is darkest and June is the light but this empty bedroom won't make anything right
While out on the landing a friend I forgot to send home
Who waits up for me all through the night
Calendar girl who's in love with the world Stay alive
Calendar Girl who's in love with the world Stay alive
I dreamed I was dying; as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window; threw my head to the sky
And said whoever is up there,please don't let me die
But I can't live forever,I can't always be
One day I'll be sand on a beach by a sea
The pages keep turning, I'll mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost
Calendar Girl who is lost to the world
Stay Alive
Calendar Girl who is lost to the world Stay Alive
January, February, March, April, May I'm alive
June, July, August, September,October I'm alive
November, December, you all through the winter, I'm alive
I'm alive

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

11th day

harini xbuat ape gak...xde bende yg mnarik sgt...and kat off ni da bleyh get long ALMOST to everyone...tak sume lg...ahahaha...skrg da kol 1015am...and my skin yg i wrote prev entry tuh da better da skrg but the skin je xok due to the sickness...kan da buruk kulit aku..haihh...harini ade org tuh mrajok...and tape bia die cool down sendrik :p u know what i got my own pass to open this company door...dah minggu ke-3 br nak kc..kan senang hidup sumerang kalo die kc dr awal2 harituh...hayyoooo...tatau nak tulis ape dah..k la..nak wat kiCad and php...(mode rajin saye sudah smpi) tp mcm ngantok la..machammane yeahh...hehe..daa..!!

p/s: result da kluar...i pass sume..but pointer tak brape cantek sgt...br je berangan nak naikkan cgpa..tp naik seciput je..hampeh btol..hunt for job will be my next target...lets pray so that i'll get a better job so that i'll have a better living for next few years from now..

p/s: saya akan start pose nazar 3hari start from next week..weee...!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

9th and 10th day..

tak sangka plk da msk 3rd week...bile lah nak abis nih...tade ape mnarik pon that happened last week...k la..nak buat ape yg patut n tak patut..haha..choww

Thursday, October 30, 2008

8th day

saye tuka layout baruuu...!!! cantek x?? hihi... :p sorry la kawan2 menunggu lame gamba2 ye..hehe..skrg saye upload gamba off and gamba raye as well..have a look..andddd...harini adeliza melawat company saye..haha..company saye ini boleh dikatakan seperti library..haha..kalo kamu2 pernah pegi library yg tade org ckp2 lansung tu mcm tu la suasana die..tambah lg dgn air cond yg cejuk iteww...wahh..nyaman sungguh kalo tido disitu...nak tau tak harini pagi2 tdi dan2 la kulitku ini sgt memedih spt dibakar atas sbb2 tertentu yg tableyh diceritakan kepada semua lapisan masyarakat..haha..and da sakit kulit tuh sakit prot plk nak terberak..adoii...smpi2 off je berak tros..haha..lame lak 2...drg2 pon pelik..tp ape aku kesah toilet pompan tuh mmg aku sorang je yg conquer sbb aku sorang je pompan kat off tuh..wahahaha...anddd bleyh plk die kc test..adoii..test mrepek2 plk tuh..tah ape2 laa..c prog la, timer lah..pcb layer n direction lah..adoii..sengal ke ape..aku nak keje bkn nak amik test..haha..and ade lg crite..harini bleyh plk ade meeting and aku ni plk g pki jeans..adoii..bkn nak bgtau awal2..tp aku pki bj kebaya and jeans la..ala2 modern gitew..haha..and aku and intern lg srang ni(faisal) siap xckp kat off tp chatting bukan main panjang..sbb takot nak ckp..hahaha..adoii..sengal sungguh....ok...tgk je la gamba..nak wat keje nih..tp ade budak tuh nak dtg plk dah..tau la die tade keje bleyh jalan2 sume..aku ni ade keje n kne tdo 8jam sbb nnt tade tmpt nak tdo kat off tak kesian ke kpd insan yg hina ini..haha...

my off :

main door wireless people office...

kat blkg meje tu r tmpt aku slalu smyg...nak tdo cemane..habaq mai lekaih...

ni kat reception counter tp en zulkifli mmg suke dok cni sbb die suke bukak pintu sape saje yg dtg..haha..

jam yg terpampang dpn bijik mateku yg nak bgtau aku mate utk pulang sudah hampir tiba..haha..

meja saye..selerak sket..br nmpk bz wat keje sket..haha..

dpn tu off danial ke ape tah anme die..die teror sgt programming smpi aku pon tak brape suke kat die atas sbb2 tertentu..haha..

yg ni aku suke..name die arif..die tabah gla aja aku php skrg ni...and website tu br 10% je siap..haha..nnt da almost complete br krg tgk je..sabar ye...lame lg aku dok off ni..haha..

ok.jubah ini sgtlah besa bleyh 2 org masok dlm jubah ni...da gmok nnt br pakai jubah ini ye kalo tak nnt org igt saye ni terlebey kain sgt2 la plk..haha..

rajin lagi..haha...blk tu la air yg drg stiap minit g amik air tuh..nak chat pon payah..haha..

jam gla waktu balik kerja 1st day... :|

raya :

rumah hazwan...

rumah tiqah...

climbing at camp5,ou...

lepas climb kterang g kroke..!!! haha..yg dlm box kecik gla nak mampos yg 1 lagu harge smpi singgit and sound die XBEST LANSUNG OKEYHH..!!

umah tomok...

umah wewey...

kucing gedikxxx...Jmarie...

umah kg pandan...

kg pandan juge...