ok...66 days left on 5/5/10...nice figure..hehe...this sunday will be my side food testing at setiawangsa...hopefully everyone still in a good health after testing it..haha....this coming weekend is mother's day...ibu, this week kte g food testing ek..hehehe...pas tu kite pi bangi ek...g tgk tutttt...hehe...then pegi equine plak...then singgah umah abang...then g ikea...tgk barang2 sambil berangan...ok2, terover berangan da ni..hehe...bye2 guys.. :)
p/s: aku tamau bersubahat dgn kau laa...tolong la...now we know whose the one need to be blame for...is it me? NO..NO...NO.....!! haha!!
btw, aku da bosan la keje update2 nih(bukan update blog)...macam xberfungsi je otak ni sejak 2 menjak nih...