new assignment law - done
lab report - done,done
presentation - done..!! (yuhuuu...)
report hard cover - PENDING
ok..sume keje hampir siap..rase mcm lega gla okeyh after presentation nih...kalo tak,bagai nak gila..hehe..nak tau good news and bad news tak? good news is i got another offer for my internship at umobile which is bahagian networking2 sume least tade kene ngene ngan coding..hehe..and i retract my acceptance of the offer from company raingate tuh...kesian company nak wat least umobile kat times square..bleyh cuci mata stiap hari...haha..kalo cyber ni nak cuci mate bendenye la kan...haha..and saving sbb dok umah..dinner free..accomodation pon free gak..minyak free gak la kot(buat muke kesian sket)...haha..what else...and one more thing, dekat dgn rakan2 skolah ku yg ade di kl...mne tak nye dah 5 thn asek dok bz je memanjang...skrg da kurang bz..hopefully la kan..hehe...and the important thing lg satu (kne tulis sbb nnt org tu ckp da tak igt kat die...haha..) dekat dgn si dia tuh tableyh reveal name...sbb die tuh KONONYE lah kan very the down to earth person yg tak suke mencapub...but actually the othe way around :p :p sory darling dear..jgn mara ye...nnt cpt tue...huhu...
i've been online shopping mcm nak gila la skrg ni...tgk sume bende pon nak bli...bole jd gila ni...until now dah 3 blouse and 2 cardigan..tu xmsk lg yg bukan online..wahhh...sungguh addicted..mungkinkah duit da abis nnt br tak addict..?? haha...i wanna buat business tatau nak buat business ape..thinking of business bj..but more to muslimah sket lee..tutup aurat... :p since my new appearance pon tak terdedah2 sgt...haha..but at the same time ELEGANT..wahh..kelas gitu..huhu.. or another business is buat kan skrg ni da byk gla nak mampos org buat cupcakes..and my creativity is not that extremely high lg..or maybe i can bake a cake..huhu..kalo raya after xm ok gak..bleyh buat biskot malangnya sume bende2 business ni mcm xmengizinkan je lg..huhu..
things to do b4 end of this year:
1) bake a cake.
2) BLAJA MENJAHIT..!! haha.. (jgn ketawe ok..utk mase dpn gue gak..saving sket kalo nak buat bj kurung nnt)
3) Buy a pair of golden fishy...
4) SELL MY CLOTHESSSSS...!!!! or Bg kat anak yatim... (byk sgt bj yg tak gune..huhu.. --> sebab too out dated ok..!! bukan tanak pakai..huhu..)
things to buy by next year:
1) Mascara
2) Eyeliner
3) Foundation powder
4) spa lipsticks
5) lipsticks
6) lip gloss
7) buffer
8) shoess...!!!
9) tie racks..!!
10) clothes and clothes and clothes..!!!
11) trousers...!!!
all of this things are from top 50 designers worldwide products...hahaha..sungguh ambitious gila...tapela..let this all item come to my dream, walaupon tau xmampu sgt pon nak bli sume2 nih in 1 shot..hehe..ok..da byk mrepek nih..nak kne tido..toddles readers..!!
17 hours ago
eh mim dah pakai tudung ker ape
nnt tgk sendrik la yeah...ahahahah...
sepriseee...!!!! :)) :))
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