bz sungguh...smpi dah tak terkire la hari kebrape dah...
last week:-
monday - xg keje..!! haha
tuesday - half day..!!! wah sungguh heaven..
wednesday - kerja byk xabis2 lg...gile bole nak mati okeyh...
thursday - counting bile nak abis intern dr pg smpi ptg..
friday - officemate g pasang lagu org nak mati sehari suntuk...mcm nak gila dibuatnye...and after off g climbing lagi...still have 9 passes to complete my climbing..haha..haritu da archieve level 2...actually, i give my level according to my body yg berat inih..haha...for me ade la 5,saye br ke-2...saye tau saye what..drp korang tuh xg senam lansung..wah emo sorang2..haha..
saturday - bole plak die g pilih kete drp akuh yg cun n mantap habis nih...bungek btol...jd saye pon nak attention sorang tp xdilayan...bencih tawuu...
sunday - tdo rumah aunty marina...
this week:-
monday - raya haji...mkn bole tahan banyak lah...and payung cumeylku tertinggal dirumah aunty,esk kne bli payung baru...(ya i knoe alasan...haha)
tuesday - mkn roti je sbb smlm da mkn byk sgt...haha!! plus kerjaku semakin merumitkan sbb nak kne rapat2kan component sume but saye sudah agak terer tp xterer sgt nnt sure akan terer..haha..and went to curve and bli payung baru...haha...ok.saye sayang pule nak gune sbb terase membazir bli mahal2 n kene air gak..haha..bole tak mcm tu...(btw,saye sgt jaga barang2 saye...smpikan byklah baju2 yg sayang2 tuh xgune at last xdpt pki sbb saye da semakin membulat sgn cemerlang...haha...and buku2 yg cantik2 tuh still disimpan smpi skrg tah buat pekasam ke ape..sbb cantek sgt..sayang nak gune...bole tak cam 2..haha)
wednesday - esk br belom esk lg so,taktau lg ape yg terjadi tunggu je lah ye...hehe..
ok...lately cepat bosan and tatau nak buat ape...a months from now br buat btol2nye job hunting tuk lepas pratical nih...btw,ade sesape nye off ade tmpt kosong...i learnt engineering majoring in telecommunication...and will be available start from early march...actually february pon bole tp saye nak coti goyang bontot dirumah...haha...lapo la plk...erkkk....toodles..!!
17 hours ago
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