the day b4 yesterday i saw an accident...motorcycle and a car..and mamat yg bwk moto terbaring kat jln berdarah2 kepale die...ikotkan hati mmg tanak tgk sbb saye ni xsuke bende2 ngeri sket...menakotkan okeyh...then ternampk cam kesian gla kat nak wat cemane...ambulans pon 5 sec away from him time tuh..hopefully he'll fine...
yesterday i breakfast with McD...hehe..tetibe teringin McD plk smlm...kekenyangan smpi xlunch lah smlm...and all my bosses went to perlis for their mardi project...and only 4 ppl left here...i watch oth one full episode non-stop..haha...usually tgk sparuh je time lunch then esk sambung..bole plk gitu..
today when otw to off this morning, i saw an accident lg..motor lg...wahhh..sgt takot ok...berdarah gak...but still terlentang kat jln raje the 2nd lane plk tuh...mesti kete nak g next lane then moto tuh laju then xprasan...
so, in a nut shell...i won't let my children buy or even bawak motor later to go to their off or tmpt jauh2 lah...unless pegi dekat2 ngan rumah je...aku lg snggup bg kete kancil buruk drp nmpk ahli keluarga accident bile naik motor...or they can use public transport...within 20 years from now our public transport should be superb and everyone can use it even org kaya yg pki kasot emas pon bole naik....harap2lah kan..hehe...
ok.saya br kol 10.mcm nak g bli roti mcm melampau plk mkn kat off kan..haha..aku tau aku ni lantakkan...minum milo dlu la ye to go now.daa..!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAFIQ..!!! smoge cpt kawen...sbb aku da xsaba da nak kawen nih..hahaha..tgh tunggu hang la ni lmbt sgt kawen...hahahaha....
and ahad ni i'm going to FJ benjamin warehse ngan mamai...sape2 nak join sekaki marilahh...sbb saye dah lame xabiskan duit dgn gembire yg xigt dunie nih...haha...ok.nak tdo..
17 hours ago
betol betol betol.
thara pon takkan kasik any of my family members beli motor. and that includes my husband. wpun die dah penah mintak nak beli sejuta kali. ngeee :D
tu la pasal...negeri gila tau tgk muke drg2 tuh...bile da tgk tuh mcm terpk takot je jd kat sape2 yg kite kasih n sayang...hehe...
p/s: thara..da bp bln da? hihi...
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